Hey, blog! I broke down question #4 "How did you integrate technologies- software hardware and online in this project?" into 4 sub-questions to ensure I fully answer the question! Here they are:
Digital Dynamics
Friday, March 14, 2025
CCR #4
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
CCR #3
Hi blog! I will be writing my script for question #3.
Question #3
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
How did your pre-production skills improve?
Before this project, typically I would never plan or organize my ideas. However, I decided to take a much different approach. I sat down with my group and we shared hundreds of ideas together, I think we brainstormed the idea alone for around a week. Before we began the project, we also wrote down a schedule that we planned to follow, and believe it or not, we stuck to it despite the scheduling conflicts. When we created our storyboard, at first it was just a rough draft. But after perfecting it, the opening came to life! I am glad I did not procrastinate, even though sometimes I did for the blogs.. but mainly I was dialed in! Was it difficult, yes, but I am thankful for this opportunity since it gave me experiences I typically would not have.
What did you learn about cinematography and filming?
For this project, I did tons and tons of research as you can see in my blogs. Whether it was filmed in similar genres, color schemes, or font, the list is endless I learned a ton. Before this class, I took film in middle school so I already had a small idea of camera angles, camera movement, lighting, costumes, etc. However, actually combining all of these aspects made this process magical. Figuring out what angle to use to portray a specific scene and feeling, perhaps of Gianna getting ready to train, Taking multiple shots to ensure success, and instructing the actor(s) of what to do, all while making decisions left and right was hectic but genuinely fun. I gained a deeper understanding of all of these techniques working together to develop a theme or purpose.
How did your editing and post-production skills develop?
I have always hated editing. It is just time-consuming busy work. Don't even get me started on that one time; my work was never saved. I always struggled with editing, I just had difficulty figuring out how to use the platforms. Throughout this project, I did indeed improve. I got better at cutting the clips more efficiently, integrating sounds into my project, and just simply becoming better rounded at using Adobe Premiere. I would freak out over technical issues and often just give up, but I did not have the chance to do that in this case... so I worked through it step by step and figured things out! This project has taught me that patience is key and essential while making a project.
What role did sound and music play in your project?
The background music in our film opening played a significant role in our film. It really set the entire mood to an uplifting energetic vibe. The music then mellowed down once Gianna arrived at her house, emphasizing that she felt best at the gym, not worrying about her problems. The use of non-diegetic sound (the music) really added a nice touch, and I am so glad I found the perfect match ( I will never stop talking about it). Timing the music with the cuts made the opening very visually appealing, but it was a pain to do. We used diegetic sounds such as the knock on the door, text messages, papers scuffling, etc. It was difficult to pair the audio with what you were seeing on the screen, but in the end, everything turned out well.
How did your storytelling techniques and audience engagement improve?
Within our film opening, we integrated tons of visuals, sounds, and characters to connect with our audience. For instance, the clips with the medals and Gianna doing skills are visually appealing to the eye. The music provides an upbeat tone to the film opening, and the diegetic sounds give a more realistic appeal and places the film opening on a higher level. Relatable character(s) also help us connect with our audience. Simply liking and rooting for a character makes an individual ten times more intrigued by the film, wanting to find out what happens. In addition, elements of surprise and suspense keep our audience engaged and not falling asleep during the production. Elements like fi Gianna will perform well in her competition and get the scholarship really help emphasize this.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
CCR #2
Hi blog, this blog is about my research and ideas to answer question #2 for my CCR.
- How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
Target Audience
My film's target audience is teenagers and young adults ages 15-25. At this stage of life, people tend to want to impress their peers and those close to them, excluding their parental figures. These individuals tend to be more rebellious and go against the desires of their parents, due to their awakening and feeling of control. Even though in this stage, they rely on their parents or guardians they simply attempt to hide that. Our film is aimed at these individuals who relate to overcoming obstacles and determination, whether it has something to do with a sport or not. They are intrigued by sports and/or dramas raising the likelihood of them connecting with Gianna and her story. To add on the emotional features of this film are similar to movies like Whiplash, having similar target audiences.
Our film
Our film engages our target audience through the intimate close-up. These close-ups show Gianna's facial expressions as well as her intense training. In addition to this, the upbeat music and the clips timed to match the beat of the music create a very energetic vibe, engaging our audience. The suspense and secrecy involved when Gianna secretly signs up for a gymnastics competition informs our audience that what she is doing is wrong and that she should not do so. However, she does due to her ambition and obsession with gymnastics. The target audience is young adults and adolescents allowing them to connect with her rebellion, overall engaging the audience.
In regard to the distribution of our film, we would begin with small film festivals, maybe the Miami Film Festival. They have various venues we could use such as the Silverspot Cinema 300 SOutheast 3rd Street, Miami, or the Olympia Theater on 174 East Flagler Street, Miami. It is great I live near Miami since it is a place booming with opportunities. These occasions occur around April 2025 with multiple dates. With the showcase of our piece, we could interest film distributors. This would enable an amazing opportunity for our film to be distributed in small theaters before releasing it on streaming platforms. Another approach we could take is publishing our piece on YouTube. YouTube is the biggest streaming platform in the U.S. alone and typically individuals aged 18-24 use YouTube frequently, fitting in perfectly with our target audience.
Marketing goes hand in hand with distribution. In order for this film to be successful it needs proper marketing. with our target audience, marketing on social media would be our best bet. Here is a dem- ogrpahic in regard to social media users.
Support, A. (2022, November 15). Developmental characteristics of young adolescents: Research summary. AMLE. https://www.amle.org/developmental-characteristics-of-young-adolescents/#:~:text=As%20young%20adolescents%20mature%20socially,them%20(Scales%2C%202010).
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Editing Pt.2
Hello blog! This blog is based on our second day of editing! Integrating sound and some editing techniques into our film opening!
As stated before, at this point all we have done is select the chosen clips and organize them into the different scenes. Once this was done we organized them into the correct order, not just the category they are in (whether it is in the gym, car, or house). Afterward, we cut or balanced the clips to create a smooth balance.
The fonts we ended up working with were: Filmotype Honey for the areas where it said, "edited by" or "a film by", Futura for the names of the individuals, and lastly for the title we used the font, Marker Felt. All of the names were timed with the beats of the music, which was pretty tedious and time-consuming to actually get right, but in the end, it worked out well. When one of the credits appears on screen when Gianna is doing a flip on the bar it gets wiped off, through the use of a mask.
Unfortunately, many of the digetic sounds we planned to use, ended up not being used at all. The sound we used from Pixabay song is what you hear throughout the film. The sound mellows out as the film opening continues and it is turned down in volume. The one diegetic sound we did use was the sound of the text message ring and we used one of our foley sounds for the knock on the door. We added a couple others to the shuffling of the papers but we mainly ended up relying on the song. The clock we used was found on Vecteezy and it is copyright-free clock! It really adds a nice touch to our film opening emphasizing the time skip with the jump cuts. Other than this, we mainly cut and switched around some clips to make it appear more seamless as stated in the previous blog post. We ended up not using the scene of Gianna putting on her knee tape simply because of time management and it simply did not fit in well with the rest of the film.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Our Film Coming to Life
Hey Cambridge! We had two major settings within our film opening. By now, you most likely know of them as the gym, and Gianna's house/room.
Photo Wall
As stated previously, a person's room tells a lot about a person. We took this as an advantage to help create our main character, Gianna on a deeper level. Since she is a teenage girl, we were inspired by photo collages which are popular in today's room decor. We designed the photos so they give off the aesthetic of someone who is obsessed with gymnastics. We used various photos from famous gymnasts like Simone Biles and other professionals to emphasize her idols and her dreams. These photos are displayed on the walls of her room, constantly reminding her of gymnastics. These photos were found on Google, from things like the Olympics to big trophies and medals as well as famous gymnastics which I stated above.
Here is a picture:
On top of this, we displayed some of her awards around her room. They were dispersed EVERYWHERE from the mirror to the walls, to Gianna's hangers, and her bed. The medals act as a trophy, illustrating her talent. It was fun placing the medals everywhere and seeing all the places we came up with. Unfortunately I do not have any photos.
Finally, one last thing we used was the papers from the poor grades and the signup sheet. We used previous homework assignments and modified the dates to fit the timezone of our film opening. We simply spread the papers out on the desk and took some shots of the papers.
Here is a picture:
Without using the gym, our opening wouldn't be complete. The gym, it was a public area, and after our dilemma, we talked in person with the other owner in order to use the gym at a different time, besides the text message we unfortunately have no other form of proof, besides signing the waivers to use the equipment.
Ultimately, these settings played a significant role in our film opening and without them, the scenes in the room would have been simply bland and a waste of potential. It was very fun to bring these aspects to life!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Editing Pt.1
Hey, blog! Filming is officially complete which means editing is up next! This post will focus on our editing process.
If I am being sincere, I do not enjoy editing. In previous projects, I have always struggled to handle the software and have a hard time finding the motivation to edit. But, we are splitting up the editing! Before we get started, let me tell you a little bit about editing. Editing is the organization of shots, and it is the process of putting raw footage together. Some editors work together, which is what we are doing in this case. This requires less direction from the professional world so it is common. Editing is the choice of specific organization techniques and it aids in storytelling while giving a sense of realism. Not only that but editing guides the emotional responses of the audience.
Regarding my film opening, I am in the process of transporting the clips from the phone and camera to the computer. We mainly filmed on my phone, which is an iPhone 14 so the quality was pretty good. I shared the clips to my group but after further inspection, we realized the lack of quality the clips had afterward. To fix this, we simply shared them on Google Drive and I airdropped some of the other clips as well. This ended up fixing our problem with the quality when changing through different mediums.
Afterwards, we began ordering the clips in the right order, but before we could do this we had to select the best shots. This process took SO long just look at all the clips we had.
Monday, March 3, 2025
CCR #1
Hey Cambridge! As for my CRR, I will create one piece answering questions #1 and #2 and another for questions #3 and #4. This blog post will discuss the research regarding question #1. Enjoy!
As you are aware, the genre of my film opening is a sports drama. It involved a high-school senior who desperately needed a scholarship from gymnastics but was struggling due to her knee injury. My film follows her struggles and overcomes them as she achieves her dreams.
Sports film + Drama film= Sports Drama film
A sports drama includes dramatic elements to a sports-based storyline. These types of films will usually cover the rise and fall of the chosen subject. The target audience is more mature individuals since the sporting world is not all rainbows and sprinkles, and the films accurately represent it.
Common characteristics of a Drama:
- Conflict: Central to driving the story forward.
- Pressure on the main character creates tension and intrigue.
- Clear plot
- Emotionally-driven characters
- Exaggeration of characters and setting, enhancing dramatic effect.
- Mise-en-scene: Use of costume, props, lighting, and music to create characters and atmosphere.
- Character connection with the audience, creating interesting and relatable characters.
- Exploration of diverse topics, such as love and family.
The highlighted ones above are some of the bigger conventions we implemented in the film opening. The main conflict in our story concludes with our main character's injury and her pursuit to perform well in a competition to receive a scholarship. Gianna's poor grades and injury leave her stuck between a wall and a hard spot. Of course, with any film a clear plot is essential, and as stated above and in previous blog posts our plot is structured well and organized. Of course, mice en scene is crucial in all films but it is heavily used within dramas. We used several props such as the medals, the calendar, and the knee wrap to emphasize our characters and plot. Lastly, we attempted to create a relatable character. We came up with a sneaky, obsession-driven, dedicated gymnast with poor grades and one outlet to let all her worries out; gymnastics. The reason we chose not to include emotionally-driven characters is because we want our film to emphasize Gianna, and solely on her. Due to the multiple actors participating in the gymnastics filming session, it was difficult to incorporate emotional expressions into the film. This goes for any aspect of exaggeration in our film since it was difficult to change anything in the gym because it is a public space and we tried our best with what we had to dramatize Gianna's love her gymnastics through her room decorations and actions. Finally, we did not explore various topics because we wanted to emphasize her dedication to gymnastics, which contrasts her lack of interest in school. The strong contrast helps our story propel forward.
Common characteristics of a Sports film:
- Focuses on a singular sport
- Has a sports setting
- Shows real, unfiltered hardships
Slideshare. (2019, January 28). Genre conventions. SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/genre-conventions-129559988/129559988
By: Education Help Published: September 10th, 2015
Title: Characteristics of a Drama
CCR #4
Hey, blog! I broke down question #4 "How did you integrate technologies- software hardware and online in this project?" into 4 sub...
Color is one of the biggest things to consider when making a film. Color influences emotion, and tone, boosts storytelling, and character d...
Hello Blog! In my Aice Media class, we were assigned a Music Marketing Project. t is worth half of our mid-term and 500 points in our ...
In my film opening, I need to include credits throughout the film. For my film to have a certain aesthetic or vibe, the font and color of t...