Thursday, September 26, 2024

One Word Film Reflection

    One Word Film Reflection

  One-Word Film Reflection

   Last week, in my AICE Media class, we were assigned a group project called the "One Word Film.” We were given a word for the project, and we had to create a short film representing it. The challenge was to create and tell a story within 60-90 seconds, using a variety of shots, angles, and editing techniques to convey the meaning of our word to the viewer(s). This had to be done without dialogue and for the film to be an actual story and not a montage. 

   Here is a breakdown of my process and experience: 

   Once me and my group were assigned a word, which in this case, was the word curious. Me and my group members began brainstorming a possible plot and story we could create, which was a little difficult since we were limited to film during school hours, inside of my school. However, we decided on a girl being fascinated and curious about her surroundings and not going to the bathroom like she was supposed to, but instead, a forbidden building in the school. Afterward, we broke it down into separate shots. Along with the shot list, we discussed possible editing techniques and shot types/angles we could include in our film. We decided to use a variety of shots, but my favorite shots were the close-ups used to portray her curious face. 

   All my editing was done on iMovie; I included some instrumental music, which was allowed since there was no dialogue. In addition, I used a jump cut to portray the time passing by as the girl is curious about her surroundings. Each of my group members, however, had to edit the project, so there may be small differences between our projects   

 Here is a picture of my brainstorming sheets

    This sheet helped me, and my group solidify our ideas and guide us throughout the filming process. However, as we started filming, we realized how certain aspects would simply not work, so we ended up changing some small details around. 
    Overall, I am proud of how my film turned out. I feel as if I and my group used a good amount of different shot types and camera movement techniques. In addition, even though it was my first time editing, I feel as if I did rather well. I learned how to cut and add videos and how to add music and cut the music to fit the story being shown. However, I have room for improvement. For instance, I feel like I could have paced the story a little better and included a larger diversity of camera shots/angles/movements to make the visuals more striking. 
    In conclusion, I genuinely enjoyed completing this project. I learned a ton of great techniques and how to combine techniques with storytelling. Moving forward, I hope I become more comfortable with my editing skills, as well as my pacing, and include an even wider use of camera shots/angles/movements.

  Here is the link to my project:


CCR #4

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