Hey, blog! In my Aice Media class, we were assigned to random groups to discuss all of our portfolio projects. My group members were, Sergio, Keyla, Pedro, and Tiziana.
Sergio shared his idea first. He is thinking of doing a sports drama just like me but with bodybuilding. His main character is inspired by Batman. The individual is a student in a medical program, and they have been diagnosed with a disease. I felt that it would be a great idea to have the main character be the one who narrates the story, and he thought it was a neat idea! We thought it would be a great way to develop character, while still having that ""btaman" kind of inspiration. This would allow the audience to understand the main character more, developing the mood and tone of the film's opening.
Then I shared my idea, and I am still trying to figure out what the plot of mine should be. Yes, I love the idea of gymnastics but I do not want it to be boring and generic. I was trying to get feedback on that, however, all my group members were at a dead end. I will definitely be thinking of some ideas though, mainly to be different!
Keyla went on, and she wanted to do a film opening about a girl in the 18th century. She went on about costume design, and I hope she has good luck finding those kinds of long dresses! She was very inspired by the film "Emma"'s film opening I believe and wants it to be very aesthetic, and floral. I thought maybe having her run in a big field with the sun shining would be a nice touch. At first, she didn't quite catch my vision but as I further elaborated she ended up liking it quite a lot. I love the fact she's doing it back in time and I can't wait to see how her psychological drama comes together! She wants it to be similar to the Truman Show, where the main character notices something off, and throughout the film,m they figure out and solve the mystery. She's struggling to find the sequence of events since she wishes to effectively portray her plot and context to really hook the audience in. I hope she figures out the order and executes her awesome plan!
Here is an idea of what the dress would look like:
Tiziana went shortly after. She wishes to do something maybe like a mystery with a little sprinkle of thriller. Tiziana's idea included a woman who is seen as innocent but really isn't. She is still figuring out her plot so we were simply shooting ideas like that maybe she is a murderer and is being tracked down and in the end, she really isn't the bad guy. What I found cool is that she wants to film back in time just like Keyla. Maybe around the 1930s which I think is just as difficult to portray but the journey should be fun. I wish her the best of luck to get her plot down and I let her know that if she needs help, I am here for her.
Finally, Pedro went. His ideas were a little shaky since he was unsure of what he wished to do for his film opening. He scratched his original idea which was about a war veteran, but then changed it to a horror film, similar to Keyla's genre of the psychological drama/thriller. He wants to do a paranormal experience but is not fully sure how to completely accomplish that. It was near the end of class, so we unfortunately weren't able to give him a ton of feedback, especially since he had a. vague idea.
All of my group member's blogs looked great and I definitely took inspiration from some of the things they did and will be implementing them into my future blogs! I am glad I had this opportunity to share my ideas and listen to others as well! It helped me feel less overwhelmed since my fellow classmates are going through the same process as me!
Here is a picture of me in the group:
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