Saturday, February 1, 2025

Portfolio Approach

 Hello Cambridge! From now on, I will document the entire process of developing my Final Project. This past week, we reviewed film openings and were introduced to this project. I can't wait to see the final outcome! However, when my teacher explained the project, I was intimidated, but I know things will turn out well thanks to all the tips and techniques I have learned in class. Now let's transition into the project.

 I have to create a two minute film opening of any genre, as long as it is fiction. I began pondering possible ideas and I am pretty set on doing something related to gymnastics since I coach gymnastics and competed competitively for seven years. I am still debating on what genre I will do but I'm sure I will figure it out soon. I asked my manager for permission to film in the egym and she said yes! My friend who I did gymnastics with also said she would help out and be one if not the only actor! 

Here are some notes I took in class:


 As for the approach I'd take for the film opening, one that I am considering is developing context and background. Using this approach, I would use Mise-en scene details to help create context without heavily relying on dialogue. In addition, this would work with many different kinds of genres since I am still figuring out which one to pursue. Another approach I am still thinking about is developing character, perhaps if I do a coming-of-age film it would fit in well. I'd us dialogue primarily, with things like tone, accents, register, etc, to create context, Mise-en scene elements, and of course interaction with other characters. I want to be as creative as possible in my film opening and developing a character enables me to have all the right tools in my hand. Both of these approaches would tie in well with the premise of the project, and alow me to create a clear, exciting, film opening. Overall, my objective is to create a piece that engages audiences and keeps them wanting to watch more and I can't wait to see the final result!

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Group Meeting #2

 Hi Cambridge! Last class, (Wednesday) I had a meeting with some of my classmates about our Portfolio Projects. Here is a breakdown of what ...