Saturday, February 15, 2025


 Through the countless projects I have done in AICE Media, I have learned the importance of a storyboard. They are basically the blueprint and it helps you get all your ideas into one clear picture, making the filming process much smoother. From props to lighting, to costume design the list is endless. Storyboards also help you forecast technical difficulties which can be avoided then, saving money and time. In my class, we got the chance to either create our storyboard, or our script first and I am personally more of a visual kind of person, so naturally I chose to do the storyboard first.

Here is my storyboard: 


I have explained and elaborated upon my plot in the previous blog post so check it out! 

Vakhti n, Dmitry. “The Art of Storyboarding: Enhancing Script Breakdown and Pre-Production in Filmmaking - Filmustage Blog.” Filmustage, 29 June 2023,


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CCR #4

Hey, blog! I broke down question #4 "How did you integrate technologies- software hardware and online in this project?" into 4 sub...