Monday, February 24, 2025

Filming Day 1

 Hey Cambridge! This blog will be dedicated to our Day 1 filming. 

Over the weekend we tackled our first day of filming. We were missing one member due to some circumstances but we still got the job done, so I am really proud of me and my group! Ariana will be playing Gianna in this film's opening.

We began by filming Gianna arriving home. We used one of our group members' car, (Ariana) to showcase this occurrence. We attempted to use an actual film camera since Candelaria has one, but due to the darkness, it was rather difficult to truly see Gianna and what was being shown off-camera. My group and I ended up using our phones to film the scene. For this shot, we included the following shots: long and media, low angle, and a tracking shot. The medium and long shots were utilized when the car was pulling up into the driveway and then the low and angle and tracking shot for when Gianna was walking into her house. 

Once we got inside, we used Candelaria's camera to film the rest of the house/room shots. The camera enabled us to have much smoother close-ups and generally better quality. Gianna places her bag down and walks up the stairs, and the viewer sees this from a low angle.  Then, we see the calendar with the various appointments with doctors or physical therapists. This emphasizes Gianna's need for medical attention. In order to show the days passing by, Ariana (Gianna) switched into many different colored shirts to illustrate the different days, that we showed with close-ups. Then Gianna receives a message from her coach, this shot was created with a handheld camera and a mid shot of her laying down on her bed. After we transition to Gianna switching to her desk, going through a ton of papers with a close-up on her grades, highlighting her poor performance in academics. She then finds the consent paper for a gymnastics competition and we zoom in on the title to inform the audience of the context of this paper. The use of extreme close-ups shows how she ignores the rules of the competition of being injured and begins filling the paper out. However, there is a knock at the door and we shot various times of Gianna scrambling the papers around her desk, in an attempt to hide the consent form, truly captivating the secrecy Gianna has. 

Throughout our filming day, we mainly avoided excessively using the same shots such as backshots which we frequently used beforehand and of course, we overshot a ridiculous amount. This includes our Day1! of filming!

Here are some photos: 

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