Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 Hello blog over the weekend me and my group began shooting and we will continue to so this week blogs will mainly focus on our filming.

Our first day of filming began at my partner Candelaria's house. We originally planned to film on Saturday however we ran into some scheduling conflicts. One of our group members, Ariana was urgently called to work due to an emergency so she was not able to film. In addition to this, our other member, Emma got grounded for the weekend so she also could not attend any filming day. With two out of four out, we changed our filming day to Sunday. 

Filming on Sunday went by really well. Thankfully, no challenges occurred during filming, however we had some issues with the props. One of the main props we will incorporate in our project is the calendar. Originally, I had a mainly blank calendar we were going to use, but my mom ended up getting rid of it. With the filming shortly starting, I quickly ran to Dollar Tree, and I jumped up and down with joy when I  found a calendar since they are rather hard to come by after January. I also gave some of my medals to be used as props, which was always fun since I got to go down memory lane! Once the props arrived, everything went nicely.

As for day #2, which was in the gym, it was extremely stressful. Originally, my gym had something called "Open Gym" which allows individuals to simply roam around the gym and use all of the equipment. However, one of the owners informed us there won't be an Open Gym this week. I and my co-worker and partner, Ariana in person went and asked the owner of the gym if there was any possible day we could use the equipment and luckily he said yes to filming on Friday night. But once again, since we changed the days, originally our actor Camila would be unable to help us film that day. To overcome this obstacle  I asked around my old teammates who could help and thankfully my good friend Valeria said yes! With this, we secured our actor and setting!

Of course, another obstacle occurred. Valeria could only stay for half of our filming time. On top of that, my partners were running late, so I tried to film as much of Valeria as possible. Thankfully beforehand,, we ensured that we wore similar clothes so we tried to do all the tricks we could. However, we had to make quick changes from one actor to another for the right black shirt. I work on Friday so I had only my uniform to go by not a black shirt. So yes we lost some time switching outfits but I feel it was worth it in the end. In addition to this, we forgot to bring a knee brace to the gym. However, we decided that we can filming Gianna wrapping up her knee with tape at home, before coming in to secretly train. We were stressing so badly because we forgot one of the most important props, but I feel as if it will turn out well, despite not showing the brace, but the tape underneath the leggings before walking in. 

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CCR #4

Hey, blog! I broke down question #4 "How did you integrate technologies- software hardware and online in this project?" into 4 sub...