Hi blog, this blog is about my research and ideas to answer question #2 for my CCR.
- How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
Target Audience
My film's target audience is teenagers and young adults ages 15-25. At this stage of life, people tend to want to impress their peers and those close to them, excluding their parental figures. These individuals tend to be more rebellious and go against the desires of their parents, due to their awakening and feeling of control. Even though in this stage, they rely on their parents or guardians they simply attempt to hide that. Our film is aimed at these individuals who relate to overcoming obstacles and determination, whether it has something to do with a sport or not. They are intrigued by sports and/or dramas raising the likelihood of them connecting with Gianna and her story. To add on the emotional features of this film are similar to movies like Whiplash, having similar target audiences.
Our film
Our film engages our target audience through the intimate close-up. These close-ups show Gianna's facial expressions as well as her intense training. In addition to this, the upbeat music and the clips timed to match the beat of the music create a very energetic vibe, engaging our audience. The suspense and secrecy involved when Gianna secretly signs up for a gymnastics competition informs our audience that what she is doing is wrong and that she should not do so. However, she does due to her ambition and obsession with gymnastics. The target audience is young adults and adolescents allowing them to connect with her rebellion, overall engaging the audience.
In regard to the distribution of our film, we would begin with small film festivals, maybe the Miami Film Festival. They have various venues we could use such as the Silverspot Cinema 300 SOutheast 3rd Street, Miami, or the Olympia Theater on 174 East Flagler Street, Miami. It is great I live near Miami since it is a place booming with opportunities. These occasions occur around April 2025 with multiple dates. With the showcase of our piece, we could interest film distributors. This would enable an amazing opportunity for our film to be distributed in small theaters before releasing it on streaming platforms. Another approach we could take is publishing our piece on YouTube. YouTube is the biggest streaming platform in the U.S. alone and typically individuals aged 18-24 use YouTube frequently, fitting in perfectly with our target audience.
Marketing goes hand in hand with distribution. In order for this film to be successful it needs proper marketing. with our target audience, marketing on social media would be our best bet. Here is a dem- ogrpahic in regard to social media users.
Support, A. (2022, November 15). Developmental characteristics of young adolescents: Research summary. AMLE. https://www.amle.org/developmental-characteristics-of-young-adolescents/#:~:text=As%20young%20adolescents%20mature%20socially,them%20(Scales%2C%202010).
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