Saturday, March 8, 2025

Editing Pt.2

 Hello blog! This blog is based on our second day of editing! Integrating sound and some editing techniques into our film opening!


As stated before, at this point all we have done is select the chosen clips and organize them into the different scenes. Once this was done we organized them into the correct order, not just the category they are in (whether it is in the gym, car, or house). Afterward, we cut or balanced the clips to create a smooth balance.


The fonts we ended up working with were: Filmotype Honey for the areas where it said, "edited by" or "a film by", Futura for the names of the individuals, and lastly for the title we used the font, Marker Felt. All of the names were timed with the beats of the music, which was pretty tedious and time-consuming to actually get right, but in the end, it worked out well. When one of the credits appears on screen when Gianna is doing a flip on the bar it gets wiped off, through the use of a mask. 


Unfortunately, many of the digetic sounds we planned to use, ended up not being used at all. The sound we used from Pixabay song is what you hear throughout the film. The sound mellows out as the film opening continues and it is turned down in volume. The one diegetic sound we did use was the sound of the text message ring and we used one of our foley sounds for the knock on the door. We added a couple others to the shuffling of the papers but we mainly ended up relying on the song. The clock we used was found on Vecteezy and it is copyright-free clock! It really adds a nice touch to our film opening emphasizing the time skip with the jump cuts. Other than this, we mainly cut and switched around some clips to make it appear more seamless as stated in the previous blog post. We ended up not using the scene of Gianna putting on her knee tape simply because of time management and it simply did not fit in well with the rest of the film. 

This concludes our editing and I am unbelievably happy with the result! 

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CCR #4

Hey, blog! I broke down question #4 "How did you integrate technologies- software hardware and online in this project?" into 4 sub...