Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Our Film Coming to Life

 Hey Cambridge! We had two major settings within our film opening. By now, you most likely know of them as the gym, and Gianna's house/room. 

Photo Wall

As stated previously, a person's room tells a lot about a person. We took this as an advantage to help create our main character, Gianna on a deeper level. Since she is a teenage girl, we were inspired by photo collages which are popular in today's room decor. We designed the photos so they give off the aesthetic of someone who is obsessed with gymnastics. We used various photos from famous gymnasts like Simone Biles and other professionals to emphasize her idols and her dreams. These photos are displayed on the walls of her room, constantly reminding her of gymnastics. These photos were found on Google, from things like the Olympics to big trophies and medals as well as famous gymnastics which I stated above. 

Here is a picture: 


On top of this, we displayed some of her awards around her room. They were dispersed EVERYWHERE from the mirror to the walls, to Gianna's hangers, and her bed. The medals act as a trophy, illustrating her talent. It was fun placing the medals everywhere and seeing all the places we came up with. Unfortunately I do not have any photos.


Finally, one last thing we used was the papers from the poor grades and the signup sheet. We used previous homework assignments and modified the dates to fit the timezone of our film opening. We simply spread the papers out on the desk and took some shots of the papers. 

Here is a picture: 


Without using the gym, our opening wouldn't be complete. The gym, it was a public area, and after our dilemma, we talked in person with the other owner in order to use the gym at a different time, besides the text message we unfortunately have no other form of proof, besides signing the waivers to use the equipment. 

Ultimately, these settings played a significant role in our film opening and without them, the scenes in the room would have been simply bland and a waste of potential. It was very fun to bring these aspects to life!

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